Saturday, January 27, 2007

Administration and Haiku

Well, things are moving on, but it has been a week of intensive allotment administration and I'm tired. As well as trying to get three chapters of PhD completed to send to supervisors, there have been emails, and emails and more emails, and a few phone calls and texts - all to do with the allotment move. It's like having two full time jobs, except I don't get paid for one of them. Stress levels very high, and all I seem to do is moan. Will it get better? I hope so...I think so. I just want to get digging. Soon. Please.

Anyway the other thing is that we (Lansbury Voices) had the opening of the Renewability exhibition this week at Mile End Art Pavilion. Nice to see our haiku in the brochure and on their web site, but they only selected some of what we had written. The blog does not enable comments, so here is my other Haiku dedicated to our friend Mark at the Lea Rivers Trust.

Wooden Crocodile
Basking in the River Lea
Watch Out Geese!

The exhibition is on until February 11th.

Also just found that the leaflet that sussex wildlife trust produced with an image from our allotment is now online here. So the old allotment lives on!


Little Onion said...

hi - ive got all the haiku and ill put them up somewhere where they can be seen by the world ... TI selected the brochure work - the brochure looks really good but i was dissappointed to see that Tomomi had the spelling of my name wrong - the bug heading - in the brochure - sort of spoils it a bit when i show people - because im so proud of thw work that Lansbury Voices and others did in workshop and on the walk and hope that the pieces ain the exhibition work too - thanks for the coffee at your place before the exhibition - hope the allotment stuff gets sorted with BW - paul

Marj Joly said...

Hi Paul, That great, there were so many haiku written that weekend, it would be really good to see them all represented somewhere...I saw your name last week...but didn't like to say...i think the allotment will be OK, but I just need a bit of head room at the moment. Still Gordo and I will be at the exhibition on saturday again...i find playing golf helps pass the time :) Louise x