Thursday, January 4, 2007

A New Year - A New Allotment?

A New Year - A New Allotment?
Originally uploaded by Marj Joly.
Part of our allotment site (including my own plot that I have had since around 1993) will be lost at the end of January 2007 due to the development of a lock and flood control system in the Prescott Channel.

However, we are hoping to gain land to replace land that is lost, shown here. There are a few things to sort out still, but I have loved my allotment, and really want to be able to keep on allotment gardening for ever. There is nothing like it. Lets hope it all works out.


LoopZilla said...

A new blog, a new year and some new land.

Good start!

Nina said...

excellent - I look forward to reading this!

Nina x