Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Aubergines and Brussels Sprouts

According to my spreadsheet I can sow some aubergines (Black Beauty) and brussels sprouts (Groninger) in February, so thats what I've done. They will stay inside on the window sill. The aubergines are going to live here at home. I tried growing them on the allotment, but they didn't do too well, so they will stay indoors and in a grow bag on the balcony to see what happens.

The tomatoes sown on January 28th are just beginning to germinate, which has taken longer than I thought, but the window sill may not have been warm enough. I've kept looking at them every half an hour or so this morning, and they are definitely moving.

Most of the sweet peas out on the balcony now have four leaves, so their tops have been pinched out to make them more bushy. They look so fragile blowing around in the wind, but seem to be managing OK. I don't think are as worried as I am.


LoopZilla said...

So nice that the growing season has started!

Marj Joly said...

Oh yes indeedy it is? When exactly did the last one end?

LoopZilla said...

I am not sure: can I ask a friend?